

1。突出显示人才介绍中的“新”。全年总共招募了来自36所大学的63名毕业生(包括22名博士生,24名硕士学位和害怕专业的硕士学位,并公开招募了17名硕士学位),其中包括Shaanxi,Anhui,Gansu,Gansu,Guangdong,Hebei,Hebei,Hebei,Hebei,包括Shaanxi,包括55名硕士学位。 ,共有11个省,包括河南,荷叶岛,借助于内蒙古,山东和青海。其中,该省以外的27人,占43%的人,有56人来自国内外的32所一流著名大学(包括省会大学,南卡大学,中国农业大学,中国农业大学,北京大学,西北农业和林业,中国土地大学,南京农业大学,香港大学和布里斯托尔大学的英国等等,占录取总额的89%,进一步使我们学校人才团队的学术结构多样化。
2.实施“ 131”人才项目,以突出“领导”,并为高级才能的领导作用提供全面发挥。在培养现有的储备才能,充分利用“ 131”人才项目的第一和第二级,遵守学术领导力,项目合作,多党支持,评估和激励措施的原则,并改善支持支持的原则,并提高支持支持设施,并扩大我们学校年轻教师的学术愿景,在学者,高级成绩中获得了很高的起点,并扮演了良好的演示角色。同时,他们发挥了领导作用,积极监督了“ 131”人才项目资金的实施,协调并组织了对使用2610万元的使用监督,购买了高级仪器和设备,进一步提高了学术研究设备水平在各种大学中,并提供了高级科学研究工作材料安全。在过去的一年中,各个大学都组织了认真的努力,第一和第二层的院士和知名学者都来到学校进行学术交流,例如学术讲座,科学和技术论文讨论,项目主题选择,等等。在20xx中,我们积极申请了第二批省“ 131”人才项目,申请了4个院士级才能,以介绍35名著名的“千人才计划”,杰出的青年赢家和杨氏河学者。这项工作有效地促进了教师团队的建设。
3。招募人才亮点“早期”。自20xX 9月以来,已组织了20xX的人才招聘工作。我们使用在线宣传参加了8个主要城市的现场招聘会,并招募了12所著名大学。目前,有63位硕士毕业生实现了就业意图和10名博士生。
1。根据学校系统建设的要求以及建立和改善人员管理系统的需求,人事部门基本上完成了在20xX校园准备的批准计划,起草了“农业大学的工作职责和就业评估计划(审判) )“基本上是由二级单位,明确的工作职责,工作竞争程序,工作任命和定期评估的数量确定的一站式工作系统。
根据学校系统建设年的工作要求,我们将遵守构建科学而灵活的人员管理系统,专注于关键点,并连续进行高级人才介绍评估评估,博士后管理支持措施,博士介绍支持政策,学校奖励和惩罚评估机制以及教师伦理学以及风格的“农业大学教师释放临时措施”,“学校中博士生的临时措施”,“农业大学博士后工作管理工作管理措施”和“释放人才职位的申请措施,用于在“ 131“领先人才项目”中引入人才,“农业大学学校奖励绩效工资的实施计划”。
根据国家期刊管理委员会的要求,将进一步优化博士后入学候选人的结构,将扩大全日制入学人员的比例,并鼓励在服务专业和技术人员进行更高 - 级别的科学研究机构从事博士后研究。
我们将努力掌握各种人才的选择信息,及时通知老师自己,并鼓励符合条件的老师积极申请。在20xx中,我们的学校被选为省级学术和技术领袖,拥有3名候选人,每个候选人都得到了20,000元的特殊津贴; 1位会员赢得了“国家杰出老师”和2个人“ XX省杰出教育家”; 2人赢得了省级海外学生科学技术,活动项目由170,000元资金提供资金(其中一项已经获得了120,000元人民币的主要省级类别的资金),并派遣四个人参加国内访问学者项目教育部的年轻骨干老师。组织了86名新教师申请培训前培训,36位新教师参加了教学能力测试和教学理论测试,而48位新教师被证明为大学教师资格证书。
在校园内进行年轻的老师培训。 152名新教师,辅导员和经理从20xx到20xx参加了“学校伦理和教师”培训班,听取了学校党委员会秘书Shi Yang的命令,学校党委员会副秘书兼总裁兼成员Zhao Chunming学校的党委员会,副校长Zhang Hufang和副校长Li Hongquan的精彩演讲令人着迷且强烈。
加快薪资批准的进度,并完成了全年的专业头衔,工作变更,一般调整和重新发行薪资级别的工作,并集中精力完成了70%的学校绩效津贴的发行,薪金的30%,加热,加热费用等,这都是由于时间紧张。 ,根据严格的要求,繁重的任务和广泛的范围完成。同时,还及时完成了新员工的批准和分配新员工的批准,工人技术水平考试,临时工人评估以及退休干部的护理费。
全年及时及时完成了各种养老金保险,残疾人的就业安置,紧急紧急情况,其他地方的安置,保险和取消以及临时报销。全年支付了超过1,361万元的各种保险基金,并获得了34万元人民币的培训资金。 。我们已经解决了很少有指定的医疗机构为退休的长期海外员工的问题,并及时为员工提供了信息服务。
第三,需要改善性能分配系统的激励效果。 “更多的工作,更多收入,更好的绩效和更好的奖励”的原则仍然缺乏更详细的评估机制。
第二个是努力获得评估农学学科教授的权利,并提高学校中杰出的年轻才能的水平。制定并实施人才发展计划,结合“ 131”人才介绍的指导,努力在自己的人才团队中生产一组高级学术硕士,并扩大逐年访问学生的外国学者的数量。
与大约100名教师进行了联系和传达,最后向校长办公室报告了77人,有72人进入了学校,其中包括43人签订了就业合同,27人,有27名具有特殊劳资关系的人和2名外国教师; 9名辅导员,33位教师和5个人,有主管,其他25名行政人员。有47位教师,辅导员和主管,占学生总数的65.3%;有9名博士生,33名硕士和89.4%的博士生,辅导员和主管;有17个高级职业头衔和9个中级专业冠军。
另一方面,充分利用上海的“灵活流动”政策来加强与姊妹学校,研究机构和大型企业的合作和交流,并实现高级人才资源和互补优势的共享。积极雇用在企业中有实践经验的国内外专家,学者和双教师参加兼职课程或进行合作科学研究,并建立一个相对稳定的兼职全职教师团队学校。通过大力推出高级才能并将他们与学校培训相结合,我们不断优化了教学人员的学历,学位,职位,年龄和学历的结构,并取得了重大的工作成果。为此,在副校长朱·鲁蒂(Zhu Ruiting)和人事办公室的领导人访问之后,总统贾安明(Jiang Jianming退休的管理委员会,试图与上海的相关学校建立联系,建立了一个稳定的渠道,以联系退休的重新雇用教师。
24人离开了学校,其中包括15人签订就业合同和9名与特殊劳资关系的人; 2名辅导员,两者都是雇用的。
合同人员; 10名教师,8个雇佣合同,2份特殊劳资关系合同; 1助教,特殊劳资关系合同; 11个行政和其他人,5份雇佣合同和6份特殊劳动合同。在离开学校的老师中,有2位教授,2位副教授和4位讲师。
根据上海市政人民保险局的相关规定,所有涉及家庭注册的工作(包括居住许可)将不被今年接受,并且所有人员必须由该部门处理。到目前为止,有20人申请新的或更新的上海居住许可;在20xx中,有18名非谢海毕业生定居的申请人; 3名海外学生介绍才能的申请人; 5个家庭转会的申请人(其中之一进入了公告阶段);夫妻释放了1人的困难。
我们学校的教师培训的创新点是,我们已经以学校文件的形式澄清,教师的培训始于学科建设,专业建筑和树干基础课程的建设的需求;它是为了根据最近的计划为每个年轻教师建立个人职业发展,个人要求与组织发展的需求一致;学校保证了100万元人民币的培训费,并且教师不受城市资金的批准,并且根据学校的计划和需求,教师被派去学习。在此期间,更多优先的工资和福利。在上海评估学院进行的上海学院和大学的实施评估和检查期间,前一天和前一天,该市的62名公立和私立学校和大学都受到了专家的高度赞扬。标准化管理,机构保证和创新的组织选择条款。 ,它也是唯一被公认为私立大学的典型例子的人。
1。继续组织和实施教师的专业发展项目。在20xx,7名国内访问学者,3名外国访问学者(目前正在国外访问,其中2名正在海外程序),其他5项外国教师培训(其中一项是从学校发送的),以及行业的实践实践,学术界,学术界和研究。 8个人(其中4个人是从学校派出的),并监督教师的专业发展项目。
2。指导年轻的教师申请大学教师资格证书,并做一系列工作,例如申请大学教师资格认证和意识形态和政治表现的评估。在20xx中,31位教师申请了教师资格证书,并获得了22人获得教师资格证书。 22人参加了由市政教育委员会组织的教师资格证书的“教学技能”培训。大约40人参加了学校组织的“教学能力”培训。
在数据收集,摘要和输入“加强教师项目”培训系统方面做得很好。 (教师的个人相关信息输入培训系统)
3。学校再次为教职员工筹集了薪水。学校董事会和党和政府领导人非常重视并充分支持它。平均工资增加为12%,平均“四基金”基础增加了13%,平均年金增加为10%,因此我们学校教职员工和员工的薪水收入仍留在私立大学的上层和上层在城市。招聘新人员在稳定团队方面发挥了重要作用。 Through the implementation of the new salary system in the past two years, we have found a situation that basically meets the actual work of our school and the development policy orientation requirements, jointly responsible by the school leaders and college department leaders, and is basically satisfied with the faculty and staff, and the operation is relatively simple. , a clear pattern and method of wage growth.
The school has standardized the salary and benefits of teachers who are trained in full-time, and implemented the leave procedures, benefits for all types of personnel, and the payment of childbearing wage subsidies for young female teachers and workers.
4. Evaluation work. We strive to start from reality and try to make things as little as possible; we have spent a lot of time and energy
Conduct thinking and exploration. The construction of systems and work standards is not only a requirement for evaluation, but also a reflection of the management level. We have completed the compilation of the school's faculty and personnel management rules and regulations, and are being printed on the documents.
5. Work hard to serve faculty and staff and students
1. Strive to visit more, ask more advice, communicate more, and discuss more;
2. Prepare a course, guide a group of graduate design students, give an academic lecture, participate in the first and second invigilance examinations and participate in the student academic style service team.
6. Main problems and shortcomings
1. It is unaware of the laws of building and development of the faculty team of private universities. It truly meets the development needs of our school, which is scientific and balanced, that is, it meets the current school's needs and can also ensure the long-term goal of the school's school management. Still can't get it right;
2. There are not many solutions to the problems in the construction of faculty teams currently required for running schools;
3. The service is not in place, and there are not much considerations for the college and grassroots level.
Part 2 Organization Department, United Front and Discipline Inspection Work
1. Main work performance:
(I) The student party building is transferred to a track focused on quality construction: 786 party members are developed this academic year
There are 81 fewer people than the same period last year. According to the spirit of the central government and superiors, the focus of cultivating and developing party members is on quality construction, and on solid training and strict party accession.
On the one hand, we will strengthen the training efforts, and on the other hand, we will compress one-third of the development plan. In terms of training efforts,
Focus on integrating theory with practice, organize party school students to visit Qian Xuesen Library, organize student representatives to go to Donghua University to participate in the knowledge competition for the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, organize Chinese Dream speeches and 18th essay competitions during party school training, carry out micro-party class activities, arrange Guide self-study and improve the awareness of theoretical learning; formulate standardized construction of student party building, focus on plan formulation and implementation, and pay attention to important links such as material review and training; actively explore the extension of student party building to the community, form a link with community construction and student party building as The core is a new auxiliary platform for strengthening students' ideological work in a comprehensive manner through the coordination and cooperation of community counselors and class辅导员。
(2) Carry out summary of creating first-class and striving for excellence and explore the construction of long-term mechanisms. Summarize the achievements of the work of striving for excellence over the past three years, and carry out activities to select five good party branches, outstanding Communist Party members, and outstanding party cadres. All units are encouraged to highlight their work characteristics, innovate activity carriers, give full play to the exemplary and leading role of party members and cadres, guide party branches to organize benchmarking and grading, advancement and selection of advanced party branches in accordance with the requirements of "five ones", and propose targeted improvements.措施。 Organize party members to make personal summary, carry out intra-party exchanges and report to the masses. Give full play to the demonstration and guiding role of advanced models. According to the requirements of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China on strengthening the construction of learning, service-oriented and innovative party organizations, combined with the summary of creating first-class and striving for excellence, and guided by the spirit of the 18th National Congress, we will explore the construction of long-term mechanisms.
(3) Organize a service team for the academic style construction of the organs and give full play to the role of the party organizations in promoting the education of all employees. In line with the actual situation of the school, using double pairing as a link to build a class service platform for the party organization of the organ (party branches of various departments) to contact colleges and organ personnel. Party members of the organs take the lead in pairing with the class, form a service team for the establishment of the organs' academic style construction, and strive for the first place in pairing. Excellent and implement education activities for all employees. 107 organ personnel participated, and the Party Secretary and Vice President took the lead in participating, involving 92 classes. This activity also drives agencies to go deep into the grassroots level, investigate and research, strengthen the work style of the agencies, and change the image of the agencies; currently, multiple forms of double pairing activities are in depth. For example, the Fifth Party Branch (Scientific Research and Foreign Affairs) combines departmental functions to build a scientific and technological innovation platform for students in pairing, provide innovative projects, guide students to connect theory with practice, and improve their practical ability; they specifically discuss and improve their learning effectiveness in mathematics courses and help Analyze the causes and solve the problems; at the same time, strengthen guidance and services for the college to carry out international cooperation in running schools. The First Party Branch (School Office) and others have built channels for contacting students through part-time work-assisted learning activities to help solve problems in student management services. The second party branch (Organization Department) contacts students by listening to classes, participating in class reading activities, etc. Through this activity, the majority of staff of the agency went deep into the front line to understand the teaching work, participated in the exploration of talent training models, and improved the awareness of the service center's work.
(4) Use democratic life meetings and united front work of leading cadres as carriers to promote democratic construction of schools. Under the leadership of the school's party and government, make good use of the democratic life meeting system and the united front work system, go deep into the grassroots for discussions and send solicitation opinions, widely collect public opinions, find problems in a practical way, analyze causes, formulate rectification measures, and do false things To promote work; to disclose the public opinions and rectification plans collected by the democratic life meeting online, accept mass supervision, and combine democratic life meetings with the promotion of party affairs disclosure; organize democratic parties and non-party activities, listen to opinions on school construction and development, and concentrate all parties Wisdom, promote school reform and development.
(5) Pay attention to work research and improve work level: undertake two party building projects in the Education Commission system, and carry out scientific research on party building work in combination with the actual situation of the school. At present, the construction of service-oriented party organizations is listed as a key support topic, and is responsible for leading the research of four private universities. At the same time, focusing on the promotion of construction, we will explore the construction of the management cadre team and the construction of teachers' ethics, formulate management cadre training plans, summarize the experience of teacher ethics construction, analyze the problems of teacher ethics construction, and put forward rectification opinions.
(VI) Focus on strengthening departmental self-construction. As the Organization Department and the General Branch of the Organization, it is important to strengthen self-construction. To build a service-oriented agency, we must first start with our department itself. Therefore, we should focus on combining departmental functions, understand the situation more deeply, and strive to help teachers and students solve practical problems as the foundation. Within the scope of the policy, we should provide services with enthusiasm and strive to create conditions for the growth of teachers and students. For example, use the democratic life meeting mechanism of the leadership team to hold a symposium in the college to discover problems and coordinate and solve problems. Use relevant platforms to recommend teachers to participate in learning training and awards and awards.
2. Main shortcomings:
First, the training and guidance of the party branch secretary is insufficient. Because it is difficult to organize training, personnel will be organized to learn
It is not easy to practice, and at the same time, I am worried that the grassroots responsibility will be increased due to meetings, and I feel afraid of difficulties in my mind;
Second, going deep into the grassroots is not enough. Even if you try every means to take advantage of the opportunity to go deep into the grassroots level and communicate the situation. But the whole school is very busy, sometimes with many concerns and not enough initiative;
Third, there is insufficient external learning and communication.
Summary of personnel work in colleges and universities 3
The work in teaching, scientific research and teaching and educating is as follows:
One: Teaching
In terms of classroom teaching, this year, we undertake classroom teaching work for 3 undergraduate major courses and 1 graduate course. In terms of practical teaching, we undertake the teaching of practical links such as course design, production internships and graduation thesis of metallurgical engineering. During the teaching process, we focus on the cultivation of students' ability to analyze and solve practical problems, and pay attention to students' comprehensive development.
The teaching workload throughout the year was full, the teaching was serious, and the results were good. He won the third prize of the Excellent Teaching Quality Award.
2: Teaching and research
The first person in charge presided over the completion of a school-level education reform project, a new application and approved a school-level education reform project and a college-level education reform project, and published a teaching research paper.
Three: Scientific research
Topic: Participate in 3 provincial and ministerial projects such as National 863 and National Natural Science Foundation.
Papers: 5 papers were published, one of which was a foreign SCI paper and the other 4 were included in EI.
Conference: Participate in international and domestic conferences held abroad once, and publish 3 papers.
Four: Teaching and educating people
In order to respond to the need of an innovative society for cultivating talent innovation capabilities, we use our spare time to actively encourage and guide students to participate in extracurricular research activities, guide students to complete 4 scientific research projects (all completed questions), and apply and guide students to carry out one school-level innovation project. 。
The above is a summary of the work in 20xx. Thank you for your strong support and help in your work. In the new year, we will work harder to do all the work as always.