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自今年年初以来,地区新闻中心已经充分利用了“两个电台,一家报纸,一本杂志,一个网络”和官方微博的宣传平台,并不断提高了宣传并报告全面的城市和农村环境治理工作,并努力在整个社会和全面的环境中引起广泛关注的环境和全面的环境和全面的环境,并在整个社会中引起了人们的关注。 X年的工作进展总结如下:pXk篇语网






首先,提高典型报告的强度。在电视台,XX People广播电台,“今日”,“ New”杂志和新闻中心的官方微博上开放了一栏“加深了文明城市的建设并加强了全面的城市和农村环境治理”。该列“加深了文明城市的建设并加强全面的城市和农村环境治理”。全面地用于大力宣传进行全面的城市和农村环境治理的重要意义,工作目标和工作任务,并迅速报告了整个地区的城市和农村环境政府工作的进步和出色的成果。pXk篇语网

第二个是增加监督和报告工作。该列“以更高的标准和更高的优势稳固地促进全面的城市和农村环境治理”,创建具有更高标准的广告商店,以提高XX City全面的城市和农村环境的质量,并创建风格并美化城市和农村发展的风格”,“推出了“ 500万个”示威活动,并将其参与到“竞争”中,并将其参与到“竞争”中。并且“行动中的人民代表代表”开放了超过X时期,进一步增加了对“六个混乱”行为和新闻热线的接触频率和后续访问的数量;在举行了整个地区的“四个混乱”治理工作会议之后,“加强“四个混乱”的构建是更好的美丽”,“统治“四个混乱”“美丽的城市和农村”很快就开放了,并组织了多个记者,以深入到所有城镇,街道,街道,街道,社区和庭院,以进行曝光和随后的报道,以便于进行曝光和随后的报道。在劳动节期间,记者组织了连续X夜间在各个城镇和街道上进行秘密调查,并暴露了摊位职业和随机停车的显着现象。 Through media supervision and reporting, it has attracted the attention of relevant towns, streets and departments, and has promoted the timely rectification of problems such as "psoriasis" advertisements on Jinfu Road, Detongqiao Road stalls and occupying roads, Yongning Road Community Riverside became a garbage shelter station, and Wanchun Yufu Bridge stalls and occupying roads.同时,专门计划了“ Xia叔叔购物”专栏,并敦促功能部门以不文明的行为的形式及时进行矫正,例如随机帖子,随机放置和随机结构,这些行为积极参与寻找和说服城市和农村地区。根据在宣传和报告方面做得好的基础,每周准备“公众舆论监督特别报告”的两个问题,以向相关部门和地区级别的领导人报告决策参考。地区政府的主要领导人多次在特别报告中提出指示,相关部门迅速纠正了报告的问题,因此报告的问题得到了有效解决。pXk篇语网



(1)继续促进“五个混乱”的治理。首先,我们调查并处理了非法行为,例如占领这条道路,标准化和说服的34个移动供应商,并说服并监管了108家占据这条道路的商人。在春季音乐节期间,检查了管辖区的烟火和鞭炮销售点,以确保司法管辖区的城市外观和秩序。进行商店标志和标志的纠正活动,没收了345个街道标志,并拆除了16个非法户外广告。其次,我们集中精力处理车辆的随机停车,整理了在管辖区随机停车的问题,并标准化了10个以上的问题点,并翻新了许多旧的停车标记点。在AOBA社区的4号赎回点上增加了30个停车位,这减轻了由随机停车车辆引起的拥塞。第三个是加强农民市场的订单管理。在节日期间,仍安排全日制市场经理来监督市场。同时,市场经理必须在节日期间加强管理,尤其是在诸如随机市场职业,随机停车和随机垃圾等问题上加强法规。在漫长的三月中,纠正了两起农民市场随机建造的案例。第四,在建筑工地中控制混乱。 In view of the fact that there are many construction sites in the jurisdiction, we will organize and coordinate the Tongjiang Urban Management Brigade to strengthen inspections, increase civilized construction management of construction sites and supervision of construction waste transportation, and carry out standardized fencing and construction work in Ruisong Central City, Times Qingjiang, Wanda Plaza, Luofu Shengshi and other construction sites to achieve clean and orderly siege and construction work,废物的运输​​是无污染的。第五,控制广告的随机发布。 Organize the community to cooperate with the Tongjiang Urban Management Brigade to carry out five concentrated rectification actions, standardize the setting and management of store signs, outdoor advertisements, windows, etc. along the streets of the city, comprehensively eliminate the phenomenon of "psoriasis" and "small advertisements", standardize the setting and management of random postings such as "psoriasis" and "small advertisements", standardize the setting and setting of 10公共福利广告专栏,并在后街和小巷中组织了7,000多个“牛皮癣”的小广告。pXk篇语网

(2)在卫生和清洁交通道路方面做得很好。结合“干部的联盟和党员服务”,进行了大规模的清洁活动,并组织了对诸如ChangQing Road,Longyou Road,Fenghuang Road和Binjiang Road等行李箱线的集中清洁,以清理10吨卫生死者的10吨。清晰的600米的洪水控制沟渠中的旺希社区和运输5吨垃圾。对檀香房屋外的卫生设施进行补救,并清理超过20吨的建筑废物。加强在新区和万达广场的各个建筑工地的废物运输管理,以确保Zhile Road,Hexiang Road和305 Road沿线的街道干净整洁。合作,在朱林路(Zhulin Road)上完成了500米路面翻新工作。pXk篇语网

(3)加强自建社区的全面环境治理。鉴于汤安格(Tongjiang)拆除和许多遗产问题的许多自我建造和住房申请社区的事实,我们通过多个渠道呼吁与市政当局和地区当局进行协调,以计划解决自私化社区中缺乏支持设施的问题。自今年年初以来,市政道路设施已损坏,已经发现了三个问题点,所有这些设施已报告给相关部门以进行纠正。 15群众报告的环境治理问题很快就被接受,并且在多方协调后,所有这些问题都得到了适当解决。与城市管理大队合作,拆除了160平方米的非法建筑物。pXk篇语网

(4)加强农村垃圾的全面管理。协调60,000元的治理资金的分配,以确保在建设设施的投资中,以归一化农村垃圾管理。 Tanmuzui村有14名清洁人员。为了关注“减少,基于资源和无害”的农村家庭废物的目标要求,农民和乡村委员会被指导在4月底签署有关全面城市和农村环境治理的20xx三人保证责任信,签署率为100%以上。每个村民的团队根据当地条件总共建造了10个垃圾收集池,总共有3种新的垃圾收集和运输车辆,包括1个机动三轮车和2个人类三轮车。必须根据该省的统一标准对四个建造的垃圾池进行全面检查,维护或刷新。在4月底,发起了一场特别的运动,以清理农村卫生盲点,以应对和运输6吨旧垃圾,以确保该村的主要道路,河流,沟渠和住宅房屋中没有临时垃圾存储点,并且该村没有堆积的旧加尔巴奇。为了应对沿Leqing Road秘密垃圾和倾覆的装饰的情况,Aoba和Sanmuzui的组织是为了加强不规则的巡逻,以及时处理沿途的垃圾。完成国家农村家庭废物控制接受检查工作。pXk篇语网





XX镇位于Jintang的北门,与广江森林(X Zhongjiang)和Qixian Township接壤。整个城镇地区为.xx平方公里。它在其管辖范围内拥有X村和X社区,总人口超过xx百万。有城镇级别的道路xx公里和村庄级别的道路xx公里。该镇覆盖了X.XX平方公里的区域,永久性人口超过X人,商店X房屋和XX公里的道路。pXk篇语网

根据省,城市和县的全面城市和农村环境卫生纠正工作的要求,XX Town的党委员会和政府非常重视它,并加强了全面的城市和农村环境环境卫生整理工作。通过纠正,居民在长津Hecun社区的环境卫生已得到很大改善,人们的生活环境也进一步改变了。让我们解释特定情况如下:pXk篇语网









3。响应在镇上积累了大量垃圾和建筑浪费的情况,再加上环境卫生的“四个清理”的要求,我们使用了挖掘机和运输车辆来彻底清理Zhaoguan Road,Baimaquan村,Shuangfeng Village,Shuangfeng Village,Zhongfu Community和其他地区的Zhaoguan Road。pXk篇语网







3。摊位占据城镇道路的现象是突出的。 Xux Town Fengchang是一个相对繁荣的小镇,拥有无数外国供应商和当地的小供应商。但是,由于该镇的职能无法满足现有市场的发展,因此他们将它们置于XX街的两边。为了吸引业务,镇上的大多数商人都将商品放在商店中吸引人们的关注。尽管我们已经设定了红线,并花费了大量的人力来增加检查,但一些企业仍然不知不觉,工作量和困难仍然相对较重。pXk篇语网


5。基础设施差和资本投资不足。 XX Town的基础设施不佳,并且已经成为共识的问题多年。公众有一个名为“ Zhao Town Is Dust”的谣言,充分说明了这个问题。 “ X Daily”报道说,长顿镇的公共基础设施很差,该镇的道路在XX处颠簸且受损,在城市中排名第一。尽管如此,由于财务困难,政府的投资不足已成为城市和农村环境卫生卫生的全面改善的一个突出问题。pXk篇语网








今年,在乡镇党委员会的领导下,我们的城市和农村环境卫生工作继续加深城市和农村环境卫生和清洁度。以美丽的村庄为起点,并着重于实施“五个改进项目”,用于处理垃圾,污水处理,承载能力,环境管理和公共文明的整体水平,我们加深了“五项治理”项目,并集中精力进行“五个混乱”,以实现“五个混乱”,并为乡村环境和特殊的召集人提供培养的群体,并将其供应。环境卫生和清洁,并不断优化城市和农村生活环境和发展环境。通过采取全面的措施,例如提高居民的质量,塑造城市外观,改善基础设施,建立和改善长期管理机制,我们提出了一种新的改善城市和乡村质量的新状况,环境质量的新改善,美丽的村庄的新外观以及新的文明和新文明和卫生的趋势,为加速和社会提供了良好的环境。 20xx的工作摘要报告如下:pXk篇语网



首先,根据“清洁全天候”的要求,我们将加强对管辖区清洁和清洁工作的监督和管理,并全面提高清洁和清洁的质量。其次,根据“每日垃圾生产和每日清洁”的要求,加强对垃圾卡车的监督和管理,进行定量评估,并全面提高垃圾清洁和运输的质量。第三,根据“缓解拥堵并确保平稳性,对人民的安全和方便”的要求,我们加强了文明的说服力,合作和改进了Zishiguan New Village的建筑物和庭院,道路​​标志,标记和其他交通管理设施以及其他交通管理设施,合理地计划的停车场,以及以标准化的方式停放的指导车辆。第四,根据“标准化管理,文明的建筑和对人民的安静”的要求,进行了20多个执法行动,对人民的噪音扰动和尘埃污染深入涉及对建筑工地的深入控制。进行了第五,超过20个针对“牛皮癣”广告和餐饮的特殊纠正措施,分发了1000多个宣传材料,派遣了20多个执法车辆,派遣了100多名执法人员,并被删除了500多个“牛皮癣”,并删除了小型广告以维持良好的环境环境秩序。第六,我们将广泛宣传和加强监督,采用各种宣传方法,例如结合媒体宣传和社会宣传,并通过“两个微型和一个终端”新媒体分发300多种信息。pXk篇语网





积极探索各种手段:首先,基于网格的良好管理,并为乡镇领导人,乡村领导人,乡村委员会和团体领导者建立了“四级网格”工作系统;其次,我们将采取执法行动,并遵循“结合惩罚和教育,严格的管理和严厉惩罚”的原则,并进行各种执法活动。 Carry out in-depth action to clean the urban and rural environment in the county according to law, focus on the "five major actions" of environmental sanitation, traffic order, rural management, air pollution and water body protection, concentrate on rectification actions, accurately grasp the key points, difficulties and hot spots of the "five governance" work, grasp the key points of rectification, overcome management difficulties, solve the reflected hot spots, and rectify them in accordance with法律并继续纠正他们。pXk篇语网





为了根据县党委员会和县政府的相关文件以及县政府的相关文件以及县政府和县城委员会的全面环境治理的相关要求,并结合我们委员会的实际状况,我们紧密关注我们委员会创建美丽的生活环境,以实施县党委员会和县政府会议。我们以“消除不良习惯,建立新趋势和倡导文明”的主题,我们认真统治了“五个混乱”现象,并采取了有效的措施来大力促进环境的“四个现代化”。我们通过集中纠正和特殊治理取得了某些成就,该部门的环境改进工作取得了出色的成果。 20xx的工作状况如下:pXk篇语网


全面的城市和农村环境改进工作具有很高的标准,庞大的工作量,广泛的覆盖范围,并且非常重视它。这项工作被视为使人民和人民心中受益的项目,并被包括在政治工作的重要议程中。基于以人为导向的工作概念以及建立和谐的工作目标,在单位范围内广泛实现了全面的城市和农村环境改善工作,并建立了长期机制。为了有效地进行这项活动,专门建立了一个全面的城市和农村环境改善工作组,以及一个全面的城市和农村环境改进的工作办公室,以阐明特定的负责人。 In order to achieve unity and realise the understanding, a mobilization meeting for comprehensive urban and rural environmental improvement was held, the provincial, prefecture and county meetings were conveyed, the existing problems were analyzed, and the implementation of comprehensive urban and rural environmental improvement in the County Party Committee Political and Legal Affairs Committee was formulated, the responsibilities of relevant personnel were clarified, and the goals and tasks were refined and decomposed, forming a good situation where the "top leader" personally takes charge and takes charge of specific measures. Everyone performed their duties, worked together, cooperated with each other, formed a joint force, implemented in place, implemented in place, and implemented in place, and made every effort to push the comprehensive urban and rural environmental improvement work into a deeper level. In addition, we signed a responsibility letter for the comprehensive urban and rural environmental improvement target management with each department, and compared the framework to do work, with clear direction and accurate standards, making it easy to achieve results in work.pXk篇语网

2. Strengthen publicity and create an atmosphere of comprehensive urban and rural environmental governancepXk篇语网

We will focus on policy publicity and create an atmosphere for comprehensive urban and rural environmental improvement. First, mobilize layer by layer to increase awareness of rectification work. Since the prefectures and counties arranged the comprehensive urban and rural environmental governance work, rectification work arrangements and deployment meetings were held successively, with the participation of the cadres of the organs and the heads of various departments. The second is public opinion propaganda to improve the civilized quality of unit cadres and staff. And use the eight-in-law activities to carry out publicity activities at schools and construction sites to guide the masses to establish a sense of civilization and develop civilized habits. Third, popularize policies and stimulate the enthusiasm of the masses to participate. By distributing laws, regulations, rectification policy materials, etc., we will introduce and explain the importance and specific requirements of rectification work to the masses, and strive to create a good social atmosphere where everyone understands, supports and participates.pXk篇语网

3. Highlight key points and implement them strictlypXk篇语网

Under the guidance of the prefecture and county rectification offices, we will take the scientific outlook on development as our guide and aim to create a beautiful living environment, eliminate blind spots in all aspects, highlight key points, solve difficulties, and create beautiful spots. Increase investment in hardware facilities to ensure comprehensive material rectification.pXk篇语网

4. Focus on environmental sanitation rectification and increase efforts for comprehensive rectificationpXk篇语网

On the one hand, we will increase efforts to rectify the environmental environment of the unit, and on the other hand, we will strengthen supervision of contact townships. In the comprehensive urban and rural environmental improvement work, for township illegal and irregular people, the policy of "persuasion education as the main focus, compulsory punishment as the auxiliary" is adopted, and they are educated and warned according to relevant laws and regulations, and they are urged to make immediate rectification; for a very small number of people who insist on not changing, compulsory measures such as detention, confiscation of illegal instruments, temporary detention of vehicles or fines are taken to resolutely safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the general public and the normal order of urban and rural areas in accordance with the law. Increase efforts in urban and rural rectification, and in view of the reality that it is difficult to rectify some villages and groups, we will mainly adopt the method of unified work by rural cadres to ensure the urban environment and market order. First, standardize the parking order of vehicles, work together to plan and set up parking spaces, and use white paint to mark them to vigorously rectify the phenomenon of random parking. The second is to standardize the placement of wood and other debris, and correct illegal and irregular behaviors such as random piles and occupying the road. Third, strictly implement the cleaning and cleaning and garbage removal systems, strengthen the environmental sanitation management of the unit's environment and contact point Shadui Township, and effectively eliminate sanitation blind spots.pXk篇语网

5. Existing problems and work plans for next yearpXk篇语网

(I) Existing problems:pXk篇语网

1. There are too few staff members and there is no right to enforce the law.pXk篇语网

2. The health awareness of unit cadres, staff and township people is not high, some are still resistant, they are not proactive in rectifying, and there are still certain difficulties in cleaning.pXk篇语网

(II) Work plans for next year:pXk篇语网

1. Further increase publicity efforts and strive for the participation and support of the vast majority of cadres and staff.pXk篇语网

2. Further increase the rectification efforts and strive to create a comfortable and pleasant living environment for our delegation.pXk篇语网

3. Continue to implement the target responsibility system for comprehensive urban and rural environmental governance.pXk篇语网

4. Further improve the health management system, implement target assessment, and improve the long-term mechanism for urban and rural environmental governance.pXk篇语网

Summary of urban and rural environmental sanitation governance work


In accordance with the requirements of the document "Notice on Issuance" (Wenhuan Management Office [20xx] No. 6), the district news center closely combines the actual situation, makes full use of various publicity platforms of newspapers, radio, television, stations, Weibo, WeChat, and apps, and continuously increases publicity and reporting on the comprehensive urban and rural environmental governance work, and strives to create a public opinion atmosphere where the whole society pays widespread attention and everyone actively participates in the comprehensive urban and rural environmental governance. The key points of work in 20xx and work in 20xx are reported as follows:pXk篇语网

1. Work in 20xxpXk篇语网

(1) Attach great importance to it and strengthen it.pXk篇语网

In order to promote the in-depth development of comprehensive urban and rural environmental governance work in our district, the News Center has established a comprehensive urban and rural environmental governance publicity work with the director as the group leader, the deputy director as the deputy group leader, and the heads of various departments as members. It has included the comprehensive urban and rural environmental governance publicity work in the important agenda of the central work, clarified the purpose and significance of the work, and planned and arranged in detail how to carry out news publicity, how to do a good job in comprehensive urban and rural environmental governance, and how to achieve good publicity results.pXk篇语网

(2) Increase publicity to ensure results.pXk篇语网

First, we further optimized and integrated the publicity forces of Wenjiang TV, Wenjiang People's Radio, Wenjiang Today's newspaper, New Wenjiang magazine, Wenjiang News, Jinwenjiang government Weibo, WeChat and app, and promptly reported the measures and achievements of relevant functional departments on the comprehensive urban and rural environmental governance work, and in-depth reports on the good experiences and practices of relevant functional departments in the comprehensive urban and rural environmental governance work. Up to now, more than 130 related news have been published (broadcast) including "Strengthening the Governance of Key Pollution and Vigorously Promoting the Construction of Ecological Civilization", "Dissembly and Unified Concepts to Co-construct Ecological Civilization Construction", "Special Remediation of "Dirty, Chaos and Poor" to Create a Standardized, Orderly and Clean Environment" and more than 130 related news have been published (broadcast) and other related news.pXk篇语网

Second, in the "Wenjiang Today", we have opened more than 70 issues of the column "Little People Positive Energy - Good People Around Wenjiang" in the newspaper "Wenjiang Today", vigorously publicizing the deeds of typical and advanced figures that emerged in the comprehensive urban and rural environmental governance work, and striving to create a good public opinion atmosphere.pXk篇语网

Third, it publicizes and popularizes policies and regulations related to comprehensive urban and rural environmental governance and health and environmental protection knowledge, further improving the environmental awareness of the whole people.pXk篇语网

2. Key points of work in 20xxpXk篇语网

In 20xx, the District News Center continued to promote publicity and reporting on comprehensive urban and rural environmental governance.pXk篇语网

First, while Wenjiang TV, "Wenjiang Today" newspaper and "New Wenjiang" magazine, while continuing to promote existing columns, it has opened up new columns related to environmental protection and comprehensive urban and rural environmental governance, broadened ideas and innovated forms, and adopted forms that audiences and readers liked to enhance interactive participation.pXk篇语网

The second is to effectively utilize the global coverage of Wenjiang News and "@Jinwenjiang" government Weibo, and use more and broader publicity channels to publicize the advanced figures and successful practices emerging in the comprehensive urban and rural environmental governance of Wenjiang to the outside world, thereby expanding the influence of our region.pXk篇语网

The third is to further organize editors and reporters to conduct interviews and reports on the front line of environmental improvement, innovate content, forms and means, speak with facts, typical examples, and the personal feelings of the general public, launch a batch of influential in-depth reports, and strive to create a strong atmosphere of comprehensive urban and rural environmental improvement in the whole society with the support of the masses, participation of the masses, and co-construction and sharing.pXk篇语网

Summary of urban and rural environmental sanitation governance work


In accordance with the arrangement and deployment of the comprehensive urban and rural environmental governance work in XX City, our town has focused on the work ideas of the "50,000" demonstration creation work, "Seven Activities" and "Beautiful Villages" creation work, and under the guidance of the XX City Urban and Rural Environmental Comprehensive Governance Office, and under the town committee and government, we have carried out comprehensive urban and rural environmental governance work seriously. The first quarter of urban and rural environmental governance in 20xx is now as follows:pXk篇语网

1. Work completion status;pXk篇语网

1. The town government invested more than 2 million yuan to build the Chongqing Road Portal Section, and planned to build two squares, and renovate all the houses in Chongqing Road Town Section.pXk篇语网

2. The town government invested more than 90,000 yuan to renovate the exterior walls of the houses along Yongjun Road and Chongqing Road.pXk篇语网

3. The town government invested more than 20,000 yuan to manage the cauhua weir. This time, the management cleared more than 1,800 meters of ditches and removed more than 10 vehicles of accumulated garbage.pXk篇语网

4. There are 4 LEDs in the town area, and 3 have been demolished so far.pXk篇语网

5. Increase efforts to rectify the problem of stalls in the middle of Fengchangtian Street.pXk篇语网

6. Replace the damaged manhole cover within the town area and repair 4 damaged road surfaces.pXk篇语网

2. Propaganda workpXk篇语网

The publicity was carried out in-depth, and garbage sorting and disposal activities were carried out. Taking advantage of the opportunity of the Baitou Town Spring Taiwan Conference on April 12, more than 20xx of the leaflets were distributed.pXk篇语网

Progress of the creation of three "beautiful countryside" demonstrationspXk篇语网

Implement safe housing and benefit the people and promote the construction of new villages. In accordance with the requirements of small-scale, group-style and ecological, a comprehensive village of scenic and agricultural integrated with the style of folk houses in western Sichuan is created. After preliminary publicity and mobilization, signing agreements, and relocation, there were 724 households and 2,785 people participating in the construction of new villages in the village, with an participation rate of 94%. During the construction process, the masses were fully mobilized and relied on the masses, and a new village construction group was elected from the bottom up among the masses, with six working groups including comprehensive coordination, qualification review, bidding work, fund management, quality and safety supervision, and completion acceptance, truly making the masses the main body of the construction of the new village. At present, the main construction of the house has been completed and the style is being built.pXk篇语网

Implement ecological benefits for the people and create ecological wetlands. The Alder River Wetland was built in accordance with the concept of "ecological wetlands and healthy food land". The first phase demonstration section is 2.8 kilometers long and covers an area of ​​600,000 square meters. It has been basically completed. Slope molding, seedling planting, and water source protection are currently underway. The remaining second phase of the project will start construction in the second half of the year. After the wetland is completed, it will be a good place for people to relax and maintain their health, and achieve the goal of blue sky, clean water, wide roads and green fields in the five-star village.pXk篇语网


