

我们的社区残疾联合会总是照顾社会中的弱势群体作为其工作的起点。在政党,政府和街头办公室的照顾下,它在社区管辖区中营造出了良好的“照顾残疾人并帮助残疾人”的氛围。社区经常出版黑板报纸以进行宣传,以便每个人都可以关心残疾人的原因。同时,我们经常为残疾人做好事。 Qiao Yunyun是我社区中的残疾孤儿,只有13岁。她尽早品尝了生活的困难。收养她的祖父母老年和虚弱,家庭财务状况不佳,过着非常艰难的生活。为了让她在“两个节日”之际,我们的社区代表在救济资金中给了她500元人民币,而社区干部也给了她寒冷的衣服,这确保了她的学习和生活; 3被送往Niu Fengxian和Lian Weihong。 00元慰问;将面粉,米饭,床上用品和其他慰问物发送给Bai Xiaobing,Qin Jian,Chen Bianlan,Qiao Yunyun,Wang Fuxing等;将粘性的米饭送往李李,王Yinxing,Lian Weihong,Shi Guangmin等人在“龙船节”上;将米饭,面条和石油送往Lian Weihong,Shi Guangmin等人在“中期音乐节”中送给其他人……此外,社区还将轮椅送往李李;将拐杖和其他物资送到了王·金赫,汉·吉古安,吴·佩尤恩,汉·辛哈瓦等人,反映了党的良好政策。此外,我们还鼓励残疾人建立自我完善的信念,激发他们的勇气生活,并为他们创造就业机会。我们已经组织了Li Caiyun,Lian Weihong,Wang Jihong,Xing Junhua,Hao Qingwen和其他人参加计算机创业培训多次。为了丰富残疾人的文化生活,社区在“残疾人日”举行了一场聚会,并组织了残疾人参加街头办公室开展的“特殊奥运会”体育活动,以刺激他们参与社会的热情。我们所有的社区干部都很高兴看到他们的自我价值反映了。
在XX District残疾人联合会的比赛中,Han Yi同志赢得了第三名,她的网络制作获得了与会者的一致赞美。 Chen Yupeng被XX District评为自我完善的好年轻人的头衔。今年八月,陈·尤蓬(Chen Yupeng)在街道残疾联合会(Street Disability Federation)安排后去了Xinyue Hotel上班。尽管他的薪水不高,但他实现了支持自己的梦想。当他收到第一个月的薪水时,他的兴奋是无言以对的,残疾人的心需要我们安慰和帮助。社会主义的优势是平等对待他们,他们需要社会关怀。
张因脑出血引起偏瘫。街道和社区为她的家人提供了安全感。计划生育和工会两次向她的房屋表示慰问,总计600元。为了解决疾病和残疾造成的困难,社区的刘chuny同志为她的家人每月保证金,并将其送到了她的家中。她的全家人感谢使用权。一个失业的人周·朱米(Zhou Junmei)经常去帮助张生病,买蔬菜并清理她的房屋,并安慰她照顾她。社会的照顾使她能够克服身体残疾的困难。她坚持每天锻炼早期康复。韩Yi既有下肢,她积极参加了由残疾人联合会组织的各种活动。 10月26日下午,在XX区的残疾人联合会举行的残疾人举行的Dengyunbu捐赠活动中,她自愿为所有人坐在轮椅上服务。
她毕业于自学本科课程,独自学习计算机,并开车驾驶残疾汽车。由于两个下肢的严重残疾,她认为如果她有房子,那将是一楼的理想之选,因为她现在住在三楼。她年纪大了,确实有很多不便要上下攀登。即使她正在训练失业者和失业者使用计算机,她也愿意参加社区活动。健康的心态需要鼓励我们的社区工作者并照顾他们。毕竟,他们克服了普通百姓无法感觉到的困难,我们应该对他们进行更多的思考。今年,Yonghe小学将200元人民币送往残疾人唐·尤芬(Tang Yufen),并帮助他的家人做家务。
城市残疾人的联合会每年给家人20公斤面粉。该社区申请了严重智障人士Chu Jixia和Guo Qiang的安全资金,并申请了Cui Yongshu的廉价住房补贴。街上的杨和Yi酋长拜访了精神残疾的居民杨·利安山(Yang Liansheng),并送了鸡蛋和大豆油。社区邻里委员会为Baojun安排了清洁工作,以增加其家庭收入。
最近,该市举办了一个为残疾人举办的艺术展览。 Chen Yupeng和Sun Leihong画了很好的画作,参加了展览。只要他们动员他们的积极因素,我们绝对能够使我们的鼓励增加一倍。为了确保残疾人联合会的工作要求我们照顾和真诚地关心他们。有了更多的照顾,世界上将有更多的鲜花,我们的明天会更好。
同时,我们经常为残疾人做好事。 Qiao Yunyun是我社区中的残疾孤儿,只有13岁。她尽早品尝了生活的困难。收养她的祖父母老年和虚弱,家庭财务状况不佳,过着非常艰难的生活。为了让她在“两个节日”之际,我们的社区代表在救济资金中给了她500元人民币,而社区干部也给了她寒冷的衣服,这确保了她的学习和生活; 3被送往Niu Fengxian和Lian Weihong。 00元慰问;将面粉,米饭,床上用品和其他慰问物发送给Bai Xiaobing,Qin Jian,Chen Bianlan,Qiao Yunyun,Wang Fuxing等;将粘性的米饭送往李李,王Yinxing,Lian Weihong,Shi Guangmin等人在“龙船节”上;将米饭,面条和石油送往Lian Weihong,Shi Guangmin等人在“中期音乐节”中送给其他人……此外,社区还将轮椅送往李李;将拐杖和其他物资送到了王·金赫,汉·吉古安,吴·佩尤恩,汉·辛哈瓦等人,反映了党的良好政策。
此外,我们还鼓励残疾人建立自我完善的信念,激发他们的勇气生活,并为他们创造就业机会。我们已经组织了Li Caiyun,Lian Weihong,Wang Jihong,Xing Junhua,Hao Qingwen和其他人参加计算机创业培训多次。为了丰富残疾人的文化生活,社区在“残疾人日”举行了一场聚会,并组织了残疾人参加街头办公室开展的“特殊奥运会”体育活动,以刺激他们参与社会的热情。我们所有的社区干部都很高兴看到他们的自我价值反映了。
在20xx的过去一年中,这也是残疾人职业生涯第15计划的开始。在市政党委员会和市政府的正确领导下,在上级残疾人联盟的指导下,并得到了库佐街的大力支持,我们城市的残疾人工作认真地研究并实施了三位代表的重要思想,是三位代表,开创性和创新,努力工作,努力工作,并努力工作,并始终付诸实践,并始终为伊斯兰国的工作 - 与之相关的协会,并在2009年中获得了2009年的相关协会。在残疾人的需求的指导下,并密切关注“每个人都享受康复服务”的目标,这些目标是为残疾人,确定的各种工作任务,专注于关键点,克服困难,开拓和进取心,并努力工作。今年,完成了以下内容:
在地区残疾联合会和街头办公室的帮助下,组织中的残疾人参加了各种文化活动。今年,在Cuizhu街残疾人联盟的专家Wei Jie的领导下,今年,我组织了社区残疾人及其家人参加卢胡(Luohu)区的饺子宴会,访问圭恩兰米尼(Guanlanminai)科学公园,第17届世界心理健康日,全国性的乡村村庄,是弗里斯·弗雷斯(Bross Sistrans Admissibal Day),'''''''''''''''在深圳的第三次残疾人游戏中,残疾人的朋友在两个银色和三个青铜##社区中取得了良好的效果。十月,深圳市推广了“中国人民共和国的残疾人保护法”和“残疾人残疾人”活动。通过举办这些丰富多彩的文化和体育活动,将喜悦和喜悦传达给每个残疾人的心,促进残疾人在社会中的平等参与,并改善残疾人的文化质量和生活水平。
小协会推荐的Lei Qingyao被选为“自力更生的国家模式”。在“人民生计项目”中,肢体协会的成员刘广西(Liu Guangxi)积极发展生产。他建立的残疾贫困缓解基地为县的残疾人提供了技术培训,示范,良好品种,咨询和其他服务,散发和驾驶残疾人。推荐刘广西(Liu Guangxi)作为“四川省自我完善模型”,周阳被这座城市评为“残疾人的领导人”。
来自肢体协会的江华的两个节目参加了第七届残疾人的国家艺术表演,并从甘林镇选择了残疾女孩,徐Xueqing参加了省级轮椅网球队的训练营,并被选为省级轮椅网球队。智力协会建议有6名智力残疾人参加特殊的奥运会运动员选拔,而有4位智障运动员代表Leshan代表团参加了比赛,取得了良好的成绩,并赢得了2枚金牌和3枚青铜色。其中,他和周奇(Zhou Shuchi)分别在田径上赢得了金牌和滚球。 Li Minghui,Zhang Wenhuan和Zhou Shuchi分别在足球和滚球比赛中赢得了铜牌。这是我们县第一次在省级特奥会上获得奖牌。协助县残疾联合会为来自贫困残疾家庭的19名残疾大学生和大学生提供援助,并分配了总计320xx的特殊奖学金基金。
6. Do a good job in living security, employment, education, rehabilitation, rights protection, training and other services for the disabled.
Community Disabled Persons' Federation Work Summary Chapter 7
Under the correct leadership of the District Disabled Persons' Federation and the Street Disabled Persons' Federation, all work plans have been successfully completed, and now we will summarize the work in 20xx.
1. Leaders attach importance to and work well.
At the end of 20xx, the community opened an auxiliary employment care institution for people with intellectual, mental disabilities and other severely disabled people - Sunshine Home. Sunshine Home has seven functional areas: working therapy area, fitness and rehabilitation area, reading area, rest area, display area, baking area, and psychological area. It is equipped with 1 full-time administrator, 2 part-time administrators and 5 sunshine volunteers, and 5 charitable enterprises and institutions to help the disabled. With the service purpose of "loving the sunshine and helping the wings fly" and the new service model of "day care + work therapy" will provide diversified shelter services such as processing of incoming materials, living care, fitness and rehabilitation, vocational skills training, psychological counseling, cultural and entertainment for intellectual and severely disabled people in the working-employed age group in the jurisdiction.
In 20xx, the operation and management of Sunshine Home was comprehensively improved, and the application was to upgrade 2 stars to 3 stars.
2. Taking this work as a matter of practical results, actively solve the practical difficulties of disabled people
In 20xx, the Community Disabled Persons Association received a total of 16 disabled people visiting, among which the daughter of a resident, Dan Aju, came to the community to consult about what to do if he couldn't see his eyes. The community actively guided Aunt Dan to apply for a disability certificate application. Because Aunt Dan originally relied on a will to live in labor insurance and belonged to a family with a marginal minimum living allowance. Later, the disability certificate was obtained, which was a level 2 vision, which was severely disabled. She could also upgrade from a marginal minimum living allowance to a family with a marginal minimum living allowance. The subsidy for the minimum living allowance was 990 yuan per month, and she applied for nursing subsidies for the disabled and living allowance for difficult living allowance, which greatly helped Aunt Dan's current living situation and made residents feel the warmth of society.
3. Organize disabled people to participate in colorful activities
Organize disabled people in the jurisdiction to participate in colorful cultural activities, community food production once a week, handmade once a week, square convenience activities once a month, and large square cultural feasts during the National Day. By holding these colorful cultural and sports activities, joy and joy are conveyed to the hearts of every disabled person, promote equal participation of disabled people in society, and improve the cultural quality and living standards of disabled people.
Although my community has done some work in the middle of 20xx, we have discovered many shortcomings in our work. We will strive to innovate in our future work, carry out targeted public welfare activities to serve the disabled, and carry out employment training for the disabled. This will better form a disabled service network and community volunteer service team with the characteristics of this community.
Community Disabled Persons' Federation Work Summary 8
In 20xx, Qiyuan Community Disabled Persons' Federation successfully completed various work plans under the correct leadership of the Municipal Disabled Persons' Federation and the town party committee and government. Now summarize the work in XX years.
1. Leaders attach importance to and work well.
According to the spirit of the relevant documents of the superior Disabled Persons' Federation in 20xx, we formulated the "20xx Disabled Persons' Federation Work Plan" based on the actual situation of the community and clarified the annual work goals. The Qiyuan Community Disabled Persons Association was established, with the community director as the president and the members being other community cadres, community party members and community volunteers.
Qiyuan Community is a community that combines urban and rural areas, with relatively complex residents, with a total of 2,230 households and a population of 7,868. There are 41 disabled people, including 27 male disabled people, 14 female disabled people, 27 physical disabled people, 2 auditory disabled people, 4 mental disabled people, 2 visual disabled people, 6 intellectual disabled people, and 2 comprehensive disabled people. Moreover, residents live in scattered, living conditions are poor, and the proportion of disabled people to normal people is relatively high. It is a key community that the leaders of the Municipal Disabled Persons' Federation are particularly concerned about. As a volunteer for the disabled in our community. A one-month visit to the community disabled people, census registration work was conducted, files were established for them, and long-term effective management was carried out.
During the visit and census to register disabled families, some disabled families with poor conditions were mastered, and they hoped to get help.
2. Believe that this work focuses on practical results
From February to June 20xx, the Community Disabled Persons' Association received a total of 6 disabled people. The resident Wan Zuowei was disabled due to illness and lost the ability to do heavy physical work. In addition, the child was in school and he took medicine for many years. The community director came forward to coordinate with the law enforcement bureau and the Industrial and Commercial Bureau to reduce the relevant fees for him, so that he could live on his own. The community also visited him again to effectively solve their practical problems. It made them feel the warmth of society.
On the eve of the 19th day of the disabled, by studying the modern scientific outlook on development and promoting social harmony as the guiding ideology, and combining the requirement that "disabled workers should do practical things for the disabled and solve practical difficulties", on the eve of the 19th day of the disabled, the Community Disabled Persons' Federation made it the focus of work to solve the actual difficulties of the disabled. City assistant researcher Ma Guijun, Municipal Disabled Persons' Federation Director Zhang Jinju, and Town Government Disabled Persons' Federation Head Wang Yanqiu visited and comforted Dou Zhiguo, a disabled person in need, and distributed condolences to him. At the same time, he was encouraged to maintain an optimistic attitude, self-esteem, self-confidence, self-reliance, overcome difficulties, and create a better life.
3. Increase publicity and care for the disabled.
At 9 am on May 6, 20xx, the community's "Love My Brothers and Sisters" activity to help the disabled was held in the community as planned. The event was organized in an orderly and atmosphere. During the event, we also visited six disabled families. The community proposes to residents, advocating that you do something for the disabled, for example; when you encounter a blind person, please take the initiative to guide them... A thing that you can do is to ask everyone to come out with your hands, because they are all our brothers and sisters' series of activities, which have achieved good results. Residents have expressed their efforts to help them in the future, advocate new social trends of helping the disabled, and create a harmonious, civilized and progressive community environment.
Although my community has done some work in the past six months, we have discovered many shortcomings in our work. We will strive to innovate in our future work, carry out targeted public welfare activities to serve the disabled, and carry out employment training for the disabled. This will better form a disabled service network and community volunteer service team with the characteristics of this community.
Summary of the Work of the Community Disabled Persons' Federation 9
The work of the Qiyuan Community Disabled Persons' Federation in the first half of 20xx, under the correct leadership of the Municipal Disabled Persons' Federation and the town party committee and government, successfully completed all work plans, and now summarized the work in the first half of the year.
1. Leaders attach importance to and work well.
According to the spirit of the relevant documents of the superior Disabled Persons' Federation in 20xx, we formulated the "201XX Disabled Persons' Federation Work Plan" based on the actual situation of the community, and clarified the annual work goals. The Qiyuan Community Disabled Persons Association was established, with the community director as the president and the members being other community cadres, community party members and community volunteers.
Qiyuan Community is a community that combines urban and rural areas, with relatively complex residents, with a total of 2,230 households and a population of 7,868. There are 41 disabled people, including 27 male disabled people, 14 female disabled people, 27 physical disabled people, 2 auditory disabled people, 4 mental disabled people, 2 visual disabled people, 6 intellectual disabled people, and 2 comprehensive disabled people. Moreover, residents live in scattered, living conditions are poor, and the proportion of disabled people to normal people is relatively high. It is a key community that the leaders of the Municipal Disabled Persons' Federation are particularly concerned about. As a volunteer for the disabled in our community. A one-month visit to the community disabled people, census registration work was conducted, files were established for them, and long-term effective management was carried out.
During the visit and census to register disabled families, some disabled families with poor conditions were mastered, and they hoped to get help.
2. Believe that this work focuses on practical results
From February to June 20xx, the Community Disabled Persons' Association received a total of 6 disabled people. The resident Wan Zuowei was disabled due to illness and lost the ability to do heavy physical work. In addition, the child was in school and he took medicine for many years. The community director came forward to coordinate with the law enforcement bureau and the Industrial and Commercial Bureau to reduce the relevant fees for him, so that he could live on his own. The community also visited him again to effectively solve their practical problems. It made them feel the warmth of society.
On the eve of the 19th day of the disabled, by studying the modern scientific outlook on development and promoting social harmony as the guiding ideology, and combining the requirement that "disabled workers should do practical things for the disabled and solve practical difficulties", on the eve of the 19th day of the disabled, the Community Disabled Persons' Federation made it the focus of work to solve the actual difficulties of the disabled. City assistant researcher Ma Guijun, Municipal Disabled Persons' Federation Director Zhang Jinju, and Town Government Disabled Persons' Federation Head Wang Yanqiu visited and comforted Dou Zhiguo, a disabled person in need, and distributed condolences to him. At the same time, he was encouraged to maintain an optimistic attitude, self-esteem, self-confidence, self-reliance, overcome difficulties, and create a better life.
3. Increase publicity and care for the disabled.
At 9 am on May 6, 20xx, the community's "Love My Brothers and Sisters" activity to help the disabled was held in the community as planned. The event was organized in an orderly and atmosphere. During the event, we also visited six disabled families. The community proposes to residents, advocating that you do something for the disabled, for example; when you encounter a blind person, please take the initiative to guide them... A thing that you can do is to ask everyone to come out with your hands, because they are all our brothers and sisters' series of activities, which have achieved good results. Residents have expressed their efforts to help them in the future, advocate new social trends of helping the disabled, and create a harmonious, civilized and progressive community environment.
Although my community has done some work in the past six months, we have discovered many shortcomings in our work. We will strive to innovate in our future work, carry out targeted public welfare activities to serve the disabled, and carry out employment training for the disabled. This will better form a disabled service network and community volunteer service team with the characteristics of this community.